Jim Neveau, NHL Correspondent
This time of the year is supposed to be one of celebration for the National Hockey League. The Stanley Cup Finals are in full swing, the teams have battled to a decisive Game 7 on Wednesday night, and there have been stellar performances on both sides of the series. All of these things should be working in the league’s favor, but there have been several stains that have taken the spotlight away from the tremendous play we’ve seen.
Unfortunately for the NHL, these Cup Finals have been marred by several nasty incidents and two serious injuries. You had Alex Burrows biting Patrice Bergeron’s finger in Game 1 of this series, and then Aaron Rome knocked Nathan Horton out of the series with a hit that netted him a four-game suspension. Monday night saw yet another unfortunate incident, as Johnny Boychuk knocked Mason Raymond out of Game 6 in the first minute of the contest on an awkward hit in the corner. Raymond was down on the ice for several minutes before skating off, but unfortunately for him and the Canucks he sustained a vertebrae compression fracture on the play and will be out several months while he recovers. Boychuk did not receive a penalty on the play, and the NHL didn’t even call him in for a disciplinary hearing on the matter, with Mike Murphy calling it a “battle for the puck” and opting not to suspend him.
Understandably, Vancouver supporters immediately cried foul on the play, saying that it was a cut-and-dried case of interference and a check involving a defenseless player. The puck had clearly left the area before the hit took place, and Boychuk didn’t seem to pay any attention to that. While it wasn’t the most brutal check that anyone has ever seen, it was pretty clear that Boychuk wanted to put Raymond into the boards, puck location be damned. The result was a devastating injury for the Canucks’ forward, and he will join some other notable Vancouver players on the injury report.
Several questions have arisen from this hit, and they are all worthy of consideration. Should Boychuk have been suspended for the hit? Did the NHL make a mistake in not even reviewing the play with Boychuk? Has the league’s run of good decisions on discipline come to an abrupt halt?
To answer the first query, we’ll need to discuss the other two questions. To start with, the NHL did make a mistake in not at least making Boychuk call in to discuss the incident. Even if they hadn’t suspended him, they would have definitely given off the impression that they were more serious about investigating a potentially suspendable offense, and image is key for the league when it comes to discipline. What it appears to observers now is that they didn’t think that this play was even questionable, and frankly that is wrong. There is plenty wrong with the play, and the league did itself a disservice by not realizing that.
Since we’re discussing the Cup Finals, it seems appropriate to bring up the example of Rome being suspended for the remainder of the series for his hit on Horton. Yes, the league seemed to have some sound reasoning when it ruled that Rome should be banned, but that exact same reasoning should have been used in this instance. The Rome hit was ruled to be illegal because it came long enough after Horton had released the puck to be ruled late, and it was also ruled illegal because Horton was in a defenseless position when he was targeted, and that is a no-no in this day and age.

Looking at the above video, that hit certainly fits both criteria. The hit came well after the puck had already left the zone (and Boychuk didn’t even seem to pay attention to the location of the puck), and it also came while Raymond was crouched down in an “L-shaped” position, which pretty much indicates that he was defenseless against a hit. It may not have been as aggressive or hard as the Rome hit, but both of those circumstances should have warranted at least a cursory look by the league.
The final piece of the puzzle in determining Rome’s suspension was the severity of the injury that Horton received, and that opened up a dangerous can of worms that could have come into play on this one. As you’ll recall, the severity of Brad Stuart’s injury was taken into account by Colin Campbell when he decided to suspend Calgary’s Tom Kostopoulos for six games earlier this season, and the severe concussion that Horton sustained was the straw that broke the camel’s back when Mike Murphy was deciding Rome’s fate. In this instance, Raymond is going to be out for anywhere from three to six months, and so it would fit right into that gray area created by the two earlier decisions.
Since the league failed to follow its own precedent in determining not to suspend Boychuk, it has to be said that they once again have exhibited the inconsistency that has made their disciplinary procedures into the laughingstock of the hockey world. The fact that they ignored the precedent set during this series makes it even more damning, and if the league wants to be taken seriously in terms of the way it polices itself, it has to stop doing such foolish things when it comes to handing out suspensions.
Now, here’s the million-dollar question: should Boychuk have been suspended for Game 7? While it is a huge game for both clubs, and that has to be taken into account when it comes to making a decision, the right call would have been to have Boychuk sit. Murphy’s classification of the play as an “awkward collision” feels disingenuous, because this wasn’t some happenstance thing that happened on the ice. Boychuk deliberately guided Raymond into the boards, and the shove he game him, violent or not, was a bad hockey play. Johnny had plenty of time to hold up and not follow through on his check, but instead he chose to drive Raymond into the boards, and that is completely unacceptable in this situation.
To make matters worse, the puck was nowhere near the play at the time of the incident. In fact, the puck went right past Boychuk as he got ready to put Raymond into the boards, and so it’s hard to argue that Johnny was completely ignorant of that fact as this play unfolded. It seems non-sensical to dismiss this as a hockey play gone bad, especially considering that Boychuk had more time to react than Aaron Rome did, and Rome will be watching Game 7 from a suite instead of from the bench while Boychuk gets to play. This type of play may not fall under the umbrella of what the league is desperately trying to get rid of (headshots), but nonetheless it still needs to be disciplined because of the lack of common sense that Boychuk showed on the play.
Looking at the situation as a whole, the NHL has once again proven itself unable to adhere to a set standard when it comes to its discipline, and that is a shame. We should be celebrating the expansion of Rule 48 to protect more players, but instead we are once again having to focus on a league that can’t get its act together. Perhaps the rule of Brendan Shanahan will be different than that of Campbell or Murphy, but one thing is for certain here: no one in the hockey world will be holding their breath waiting for that to happen.
There was no hit. The most you could possibly call on Boychuk is interference but then you would have to call interference every time two hockey players bump into each other. Just because someone gets hurt, it doesn’t mean someone did anything wrong or should be suspended. Rome left his feet to get a shoulder on Horton’s head. Do you have any idea how hard that is to do? Hitting someone in the head with your shoulder is a deliberate, dangerous act. Boychuk did nothing deliberately dangerous here.
Is anyone really surprised that there was no call? The best thing Vancouver can do to retaliate is to win. Win for the true hockey fans and win for Mason Raymond!
For the first time in a while, I have to agree with the league whole-heartedly. Watch the full development of the play. Is the puck on Raymond’s stick? No. Is he in a position to play the puck when Boychuk engages him? Absolutely. The puck is heading toward the corner, Boychuk ties up his stick and then go into the boards together. Raymond loses an edge and Boychuk rides him in and bounces off like anyone would. I really saw no malice there and to call it a “can opener” situation like Gillis did really undermines the real incidents where a guy uses his stick to intentionally create a defenseless opponent and hurt him.
SUSPENSION AND FINE! This is absolutely DISGUSTING that this is not being recognized as a suspendable hit – yet Boston takes a conk on the noggin and Van gets suspended? I think they need women ref’s! hahahahahaa
Mike Frost, you are a misogynist pig of the worst kind.
And by the way, I have been watching (and understanding hockey) since before you were born.
lol.. you didn’t like my comment?? how damn old are you if you were watching hockey before I was born… 60?
Sexist AND ageist! Your mother must be so proud.
You know what they say about never assuming, Mike. I have a daughter who is nearly 30. So I’d say it’s safe to say I’ve been watching hockey a lot longer than you have.
Collectively, the team and the city have been taking punches like Sedin did in Game 6. Ideally Boychuk was out forever this year; next right thing for NHL to do is correcting their mistake Tuesday; last chance for NHL is correcting their mistake before the game on Wedn. We are too gentle? NHL likes violence more than skills? Wait and see if the NHL are obstinate errogants or men that admit and correct their own wrongs.
As a Canadiens fan, I am so sick and tired watching the NHL bend over and take from the Bruins on a regular basis. Between the ugly hit on Montreal’s Pacioretty by Chara, and than this one, and there is no suspensions of any kind. Yet any time a suspendable hit is given to Boston, it is paid to the fullest of extents. NHL wake the fuck up!
The Bruins have been taking cheap shots all series and haven’t been called once on it. The NHL has lost all credibility in my book.
League lost credibility when they hired Anus Campbell.. Still doesn’t mean this hit was a bad one.. It just wasn’t .. Simple.
the point that people are trying to get through to you Mike is that it was totally ignored and not even discussed by the people behind the mysterious curtain – we are just fans, they are the ones who are supposed to keep our players safe…oh, but then your team is not playing, so you are not watching…right, forgot about that.
20 years ago you played for a cup and lost.. now you yapping about how my team isn’t in it?? lol.. why should they be talking about it? It wasn’t a dirty play.. it was an unfortunate accident. The media and Canuck fans are the only ones who care…
I suppose all you “Canuck” fans backed Todd Bertuzzi too… I live in Maple Leaf country and all they do is make fun of Canuck fans.. There is no real reason.. other than the fact Canuck fans give them reason…
Now, I have nothing more to say because I have no real desire to dispute your whiney claims that this was just the most dastardly deed since JFK… I have no vested interest in who wins but Canuck fans certainly have me cheering for the big bad Bruins now.. Go Bobby Orr
This is downright sad. I agree Rome should of received a suspension, but so should Boychuk. This article sums it up. Chara breaks a guys neck no suspension. Rome does a clean hit suspension and now Boychuk does this, no suspension. Raymond wont be the same player anymore.
Good luck Raymond the Canucks will win this for you.
fractured vertebrae
Yes but when i mention Chara. That happened like 2 months ago. He broke some dudes neck and receieved no suspension
Boychuck had several seconds to at least ATTEMPT to stop the play. No where near the puck. Yes, I know Romes hit wasn’t but there’s a difference, Rome took the body and was a FRACTION of a second too late. Horton has a ‘severe’ concussion yet is stadium with bright lights and a roaring crowd and also is able to have a 5hr or however long flight to Vancouver. Rome gets 4 games for that.
Boychuck. Could, but didn’t move. Pushes Raymonds head towards the ice and bends him over. Then still drives him a good 8ft into the boards backwards. Raymond in hospital. Out 3/4 months (I suspect more). Not able to travel. Might not even have a career depending on the permanent damage… Boychuck, not even a 2min penalty.
I’m not a ‘refs are against us’ fan. Not by a long shot. But this is a prime example of double standards!
These 2 tweets sum it up to near perfection!
“Dan Murphy
With Rome ruling, NHL has backed itself into a corner with Boychuk. Interference+severe injury=4 games for Rome but not Boychuk?”
“Dan Murphy
Bottom line the NHL made it up as it went along with Rome and now looks foolish for having no consistency.”
To be fair. Whatever happens, I just wish the best for Raymond. IF we win the cup, he won’t not only be able to be in the same country, but he won’t even be able to celebrate with people that are like family to him. That’s what’s truly fucking sad about this situation.
It’s going to take a lot to convince me that the NHL has any credibility after the way they handled this hit. The same standards they laid out as the reason Rome got suspended happened here, and they didn’t even review it. Vile.
“The Rome hit was late and dirty”.
You are WAY off-base. It was a fraction of a second late, but was nowhere near “dirty” — it was a hockey play.
lol.. it was late, and to the head… you call hitting a guy in the head when he doesn’t have the puck a hockey play?? lol
Horton is bigger than Rome, Rome’s elbows were down, Horton was watching his pass crouched down, not where he was going, Rome simply stood him up at the blue line. Your giggling just shows you know nothing about hockey and are just a homer fanboy.
and you are calling a check into the boards on a bent over player that never touched the puck a hockey play? the LOL is at you.
Mike, if you were a true fan of Hockey, you would be watching no matter who was playing…just saying
Horton sustained his concussion when his head slammed against the ice……Rome’s hit was a clean physical hockey open-ice check.
what you just said made absolutely no sense. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul..
Being a hockey fan, I hear all the news from the games. I don’t have to watch the games to see the hits in question Einstein, I just gotta watch sports center or use the internet. I saw both plays.. over and over… Rome hit him late, and in the head. This CAN NOT be disputed. It is fact. Boychuck rode Raymond into the boards while they were engaged in attempting to get the puck.. Raymond was in an unfortunate position when they got to the boards… Simple facts that you can’t dispute.. You can try and veil your ignorance to these facts by talking about things that are not relevant at all, like whether I have watched the games… The funny thing is, I seem to be more educated on these plays than you and it sounds like you actually watch the games..
For shame Paul. Be a man and just admit when you are wrong.. Embarrass myself?? LOL How exactly am I embarrassing myself.. The only people that care about this article are Canuck fans.. Nobody else cares cause its a non issue. So being Canuck fans ganging up on someone who is simply stating facts that happen to go against your precious Canucks, does not embarrass me… The only embarrassment I feel is for you sir… In your utter denial of the facts.. :( for you sir.. :( for you.
Jewel Goodwin.. You obviously know very little about hockey.. So perhaps you should leave the conversation to those who understand the game.. Ok sweety??
Being a true fan of hockey means I spend my time playing hockey.. Being a “true” fan of hockey does not mean I must watch the “NHL” which is simply a business. Sure they play hockey but do you watch the Swedish Elite league? The AHL? CHL? do you watch all of the league everywhere?? I doubt it… Thats ok though, you don’t have to watch business’s in order to be a hockey fan, you simply have to love the game.. Which I do..
They didn’t make any mistakes… Watching it, its obvious it was simply an unfortunate play… A player in an awkward position was pushed into the boards.. There was absolutely no malicious intent.. NONE.. The Rome hit was late and dirty.. In this play both players are battling each other and the play was finished.. I am disgusted by a lot of what is going on in the league but this particular play is one of those wrong position at the wrong time… Its sad what happened to him but it was just a case of unfortunate circumstance..
I think you nailed it when you said ‘pushed hard into the boards’ … this was no accident … Boychuck gave him a shove. And it was latER than the Rome hit that you say was dirty.
You must be a Canuck fan.. The Rome hit was violent.. late.. and to the head.. this was a push.. a non violent hit that resulted in an unfortunate injury. This wouldn’t even be a conversation if Raymond wasn’t hurt. The Rome hit still would have been a suspension even if Horton had not been injured.
Are you a hockey player? Because NHL players are saying that rome’s hit was a fraction of a second late. Hard call to make in a split second and Horton should have had his head up coming across the blue line. This hit was boychuk using enough force to break his back. Raymond May never walk or play again. This is about a real person. If Hortons injury deserved 4 games they why does Raymond not even get the respect of a hearing? Rome deserved a suspension absolutely but so does boychuk
Raymond may never walk again? The guy left the ice (with help) on his own feet… I understand that people want to win arguments but wow…
Canucks fans are really sounding like a bunch of babies.
Disagree. Boychuks hit was in the play while he was already engaged with Raymond.. Its very sad and unfortunate that Mason was in such a vulnerable position. Very unfortunate. The fact is that what Boychuk did was not against the rules.. Which is why the Ref that was standing right there didn’t even call a penalty.. Rome targeted a player who was unaware and without the puck. Rome was not previously engaged in the play with Horton. He came across and hit a play who didn’t have the puck in the head with a vicious hit. Rome deserved a penalty and suspension. Boychuk did not.. I’m sorry that its true because I know you so badly want it not to be, but facts are facts.
I was recently high sticked in the mouth and eye, but held no ill will because it was an accident that happened during a scrum in front of the net.. Luckily I didn’t injure my eye but the fact is I was playing hockey, got in the middle of the play and was hit in the face with a stick.. Things like this happen and its unfortunate.. You can’t just cry fowl every time something unfortunate happens.. The Chara hit on Patch was terrible to see, but anywhere else on the ice, that doesn’t happen.. Its unfortunate but what can you do? Stop playing hockey if you wanna be 100% safe.
Sickening is what it is. The difference is that Boston’s Greg Campbell’s dad is the ref’s boss and is calling the disciplinary shots, despite what the league would have you think by putting a puppet in his place to avoid the optics of conflict.
Canuck fan… understandable response although misguided..
Boston fan… Understandable response. I have a friend – a 65 year old professional woman – a doctor,. She went to the game in Boston and was harassed, shoved and sworn at by Boston fans because she was wearing a Canucks Jersey. She saw a 6 year old girl posing with the green guys, then heard a Boston fan call her a little bitch. This was a little girl. You can wear a Boston jersey in Vancouver and you won’t get harassed or beaten up. I wouldn’t dare wear a Vancouver Jersey in Boston.
“Sitting in the TD Garden on Monday night in a Canucks T-shirt, surrounded by Boston fans, Lecia Stewart spent the game with people swearing at her, jabbing fingers at her and telling her to “go home.”
“I was afraid to cheer for the Canucks,” she said. “I get the passion of sport, but I have been in hockey arenas from one end of North America to the other and I have never seen anything like it. It was awful and aggressive.”
Sickening is what it is.
“hunting people in Bruins jerseys if any exist in this city”?
Sadly, it seems there are thugs in both towns.
Sickening is what it is.
I am not a Boston fan, nor do I condone what you have just said happened at the game… Frankly, I don’t give a rats ass about what the fans said. Its completely irrelevant to the fact that I have watched this hit over and over and over after reading peoples comments and still don’t see this as anything but an unfortunate incident. Boychuk didn’t even hit him, he rode him into the boards. They were both making a play for the puck and had made contact with each other while going for it. Raymond never had the puck in the first place.. but they were both competing for it causing a hockey play to take place and the check (if you can even call it a check) was made without any violent action.. Raymond happen to be in a vulnerable position and was injured because of it. I like Mason Raymond. I don’t care about Johnny Boychuk… Fact is, the league got it right.. There was nothing in that play to suspend him.
With all the violent hits to the head ala, Matt Cooke on Savard, people have gotten overly sensitive. I want hits like Rome’s out of the game as much as anyone else.. but the fact is, this NON violent hit does not apply to what we are trying to get out of the game.. If you are a Canuck fan… you are angry… but who cares about Canuck fans anyway… They seem to be a bunch of whiners anyway..
the entire arena was taunting Raymond as he lay on the ice with a broken back…. FLOPPER everyone was chanting. Classless LOSERS in that city.
Mista, it is exactly that type of attitude that we DO NOT NEED…what will it prove to “go hunting people in Bruins jerseys” we don’t like the stories we heard coming from canuck fans in Boston, yet you are making a statement like that?? come on show some respect for you team.
In watching the replay, it sure looks to me like Johnny clamped Mason’s head down low, and then drove his tailbone onto the boards. The fact is he has a broken back and a crushed vertibre. It takes one hell of an impact to do that. How can you possibly say this was “NON violent”? It’s sure on my list of the 5 most horribly violent things I’ve ever seen in the NHL, right up there with Captain Chara’s murderous stanchion hit. But when Daddy is on your side, no worries about punishments. Sorry, Mike, while I agree with your “Anus Campbell” comment, the violence coming out of Boston (from the team and the fans) makes me embarrassed to even watch the game any longer.
They should have at least had a meeting with him. He rode Raymond into the boards with him bent over, and used him [Raymond] to push off.
Good article. The NHL made sure the Boston Bruins win the cup. How else can you explain no penalties called in Game 7 of the Tampa/Boston series? Tampa Bay was clearly the team with the better powerplay. Why did the referees put the whistle away in Game 7? There was clearly a double standard. The only explanation is Gregory Campbell is Colin Campbell’s son and which father doesn’t want to see his own son win the Stanley Cup. Mike Murphy did a poor job of masquerading this bias in the Stanley Cup Finals.
Well said Jim … furthermore, the rules should apply to all team players in the NHL, regardless of which team they represent.