The All-Star Game is upon us and hockey fans everywhere are going to watch the NHL’s best players put on atrocious uniforms to play a glorified game of shinny. Meanwhile, I’m here to cleanse the palette a bit.
Deep in the online jersey concept forum of lies a member by the name of sparky chewbarky. No one knows much about him/her other than he/she creates some incredible concept jerseys.
With the constant talk of NHL expansion, sparkychewbarky got to work creating four potential jerseys for expansion teams. Needless to say, they didn’t disappoint. You might be shocked to see Las Vegas excluded in the four teams, but simply appreciate the ideas and development behind these jerseys.
With sparky chewbarky’s permission, I share these 4 concepts with you.
[Related: When Didn’t Forget Las Vegas, Vegas NHL Concept Art..]
Seattle Kraken
Sparky chewbarky: “Seattle has been home to many hockey teams over the years, including such franchises such as the Totems, Breakers, and Thunderbirds.
It seems though that Seattleites are most fond of their 1917 Stanley Cup Champs, The Metropolitans.
I had some good suggestions to change up the colouring a bit; add some lime green. I thought that I’d give it a go, as Lime green is just such a ‘kraken-y’ colour. While I was at it, I changed up the striping as well. The “trident-down-the-arm” was kinda cool, but awkward.
I actually went to a basic Edge cut. It seemed to suit the kraken tentacle thing.”
Quebec Nordiques
Sparky chewbarky: “This concept has a lot of history behind it and a lot of people are very passionate about this team…so I want to get it right.
GotPixels did a real nice job in his exceptional NFL thread, on blending Houston Oilers and Texans looks. The Nordiques have a similar visual history, in that they started off with a light blue/red/ white palette, and ended with a darker blue shade.
In fact had they stayed, the team was proceeding with an even darker blue concept.
So, I thought that I would follow GP’s lead and go forward with double blue/red/white.
It seemed only fitting to use Joe for this presentation…”
Halifax Highlanders
Sparky chewbarky: “The Highlanders look is forged from the flags of its founding members…
The Province of Nova Scotia, The City of Halifax, and the Scottish-Canadian Community (S-CC).
So the team is not only, a team for the City of Halifax, a team for the Province of Nova Scotia, a team for the Region of Atlantic Canada; but it is also a Legacy Project for the Scottish-Canadian Community.
Hence the reason for its identity.”
For those that may have missed it, there is a plaid on the pants that gives a little nod to the Scottish heritage in Halifax. While Las Vegas is the likely spot for expansion, you can’t tell me you wouldn’t want to see this jersey skating around the rink.
Ontario Beavers
Sparky chewbarky: “The Beavs don’t have a location as yet, but IMO the ‘Ontario’ designation would carry a little more clout than would ‘Markham’, ‘Vaughn’, ‘Kitchener-Waterloo’. (Hamilton could go with the ‘Hamilton…’ what-evers).
Even if MLS&E somehow got its smarmy mitts on the 2nd T.O.-area team and they played out of the ACC (God I hope that doesn’t happen), a designation other than “Toronto” (like Ontario) would be desirable, I would think. However, declaring yourself a Regional team should require a little more work than just naming your team accordingly, so it would be imperative that the Beavers initiate such programs as ‘The Big Dam Roadshow’. (thanks darkp).
Anyway, back to the unis, and the Beavers’ look is pretty much as it was at the end of the
‘Battle of Markham’.”
The home/away/alternate jerseys are as close to perfect as you can get. With beavers as the national animal of Canada, the original logo of the Beaver with the beaver tail with a hockey stick is spot on and arguably the best concept hockey logo created.
You’ve heard my thoughts on the jerseys. What are your thoughts?
Link to the original forum can be found here.
They didn’t even mention the most likely next expansion team which will be Las Vegas. Bias one sided terrible article.
I guess you missed our Vegas article:
I did miss it thanks for the link
Some pretty cool ideas for expansion teams jerseys. As far as teams/cities joining the NHL, the city I want to see have the best chance of (re) joining is the Quebec Nordiques. I believe that the city and province of Quebec were totally robbed of their team when they were re-located to Colorado. I admit that I am partial to the area because my step-father is from a small town in Quebec and I went to Quebec City for my honeymoon (beautiful city) and fell in love with the area. This part of Canada DESERVES to have an NHL franchise back. It would also make a great rivalry with the Montreal Canadians again like it was becoming before the Nordiques left. Of all the cities mentioned for possible franchises, I think the WORST possibility would be a team in Las Vegas! Are you kidding me? That would be the most stupid area to locate a team in my opinion! A team in Seattle would be OK, Ontario, and Halifax as well. I’d even like to see the Hartford Whalers come back to give the Boston & New York markets more competition, although I know it’s highly unlikely.
Of the four suggestions the only one that has a hope of seeing daylight on the next round of expansion is the Seattle Kraken. I had to look up what a Kraken was and lo and behold it’s a sea monster. So why not the Seattle Sea Monsters. I figure that way they should easily defeat a Duck, Shark or King in their own division.
Could they digest a Canuck, Oiler or Flame is whole other story.
They look like uniforms out of junior hockey.
Seattle should be called the Totems. They have a junior team that already uses it. Cool logo and jersey to boot! I thought the other two cities considering expansion other than Seattle and Quebec was Las Vegas and a second Toronto team in Markham?
Really cool concepts the only one I didnt like was the Kraken and I think that the Ontario team should be a city.
Great idea for an article. Excellent concept designs by chewbarky. My choice for Seattle would be one of these three: Seattle Metropolitans, Seattle Totems or Seattle Sasquatch
The Beavers concept (including those uniforms) would fit perfectly in Portland, Oregon. The minor league baseball team here was named the Beavers, and Oregon is the Beaver State. The green and gold uniforms also correspond with the Portland Timbers colors.
If #4 is the team name, and has attached mascot, I believe it may become a big seller, no matter the colors!
Many yes’ for the first ones
Those alternate highlanders jerseys look like a bottle of fireball
meh…no Hartford Whalers…no care
It looks like the Nordiques acquired James Sheppard from San Jose
…fun project & some great designs…
…seattle’s gear, i’m kinda “meh” about simply because I see them all as a bit drab were they on the ice, seen in comparison to the vividness of say, any of the “original six” sweaters & full uniforms…
…nordiques sweaters, all of ’em are stone knockouts & whilst “home & away” are variations of the past, the white away uniform with the addition of light blue on the lower sleeves n’ socks makes that a match to any of my all time hockey favorites…they could use all 3 of these uniforms with the old red shorts the nords used to wear also…
…highlanders outfits are all great too although i’d incorporate one or two thin (emphasis – thin) red bands to accent the striped portions of the ‘home & away” gear to continue the “red lion” theme…if “the ‘fax” & surrounding area could support an nhl team, it would be great for the canadian east coast…
…beavers uniforms are solid & I agree, the primary logo on the chest, incorporating the beaver caricature in the shape of the letter “b” is awesome…we can all use a little beaver / tail in our sporting lives…
…overall, total props to sparky for a great effort…good stuff…
“None of these jerseys are copyrighted from what I can tell.”
Incorrect: it appears Sparky is Canadian and there is no requirement that copyright be registered in Canada. You don’t need to put a (c) on it or anything else to have the protection of the Copyright Act. It exists automatically the moment he creates the drawings, so his works are protected. You should probably change this line because it will encourage people to illegally rip off his hard work.
Thanks for the clarification. Was unaware of that. Proper corrections have been made.
Great. Nice write-up nonetheless. I enjoyed reading this and I’m not even a hockey fan.
…looks almost like a blow for blow copy of the HC white jersey (
All three Halifax Highlanders jerseys are awesome, and the alternate Quebec Nordiques jersey is one of the nicest sweaters I’ve ever seen. Everything about the Seattle Kraken concept is just a headshake for me…not into it at all.
Just a thought… While I love the Halifax Highlanders/Goon nod – the away Kraken Uni
That Kraken idea is just dumb. Teams with singular names suck but “Kraken”.
No. Just no.
Lets be realistic nothind east of Ontario can support life in sport….. they can bearly support life. Pro sports need to be in pro cities. The drain on failing pro team on its people is hard on money and spirts. Funny how theres no Phoenix just Arizona….. put on the state not the city.
But again this is just opinion and its mine….
got a beef
nice designs…… Love the Halifax uniforms. Very nice. In fact, they’re all great. You should join Nike and bring some sanity back into the fold.
Love the Ontario Beavers concept!
I forgot to say this article was awesome, thanks.
“at the right price point…”
How long before the Ontario Beavers make it into the league and their first blowout game find people screaming “the Beavers are taking a pounding tonight” or “the Beavers are taking a licking tonight”. Yeah, I’m sure that will make their owners very proud to hear.
So…I guess no one has ever seen the movie “goon” before and how the halifax highlanders were the main team in that film? Why not the St. John Shamrocks as well then?
I love those jerseys! Thanks for sharing!
I want to see the Jersey designs for the other two potential franchise teams not mentions:
1. Regina ‘Pile of Bones’
2. Las Vegas Sin Bin Kings
genius article!
I’m very in favor of Halifax getting a team and I love this design. The Beavers one is great but I feel it looks more like a junior team than an NHL franchise.
Those jerseys are absolutely stunning! As a Haligonian, I love the Highlanders idea……
The Nordiques are my second fav.
Great work to the creator!
Halifax deserves a team purely on this concept design