Börje – The Journey of a Legend Is a Must-See for Maple Leafs Fans

Hockey fans, in general, and Toronto Maple Leaf’s hockey fans, in particular, are in for a visual treat. The six-part miniseries Börje—The Journey of a Legend is making its North American debut on the Viaplay streaming service. The series chronicles the remarkable life of Swedish Maple Leafs ice hockey icon Börje Salming

Amir Chamdin directed the miniseries, which features a great cast that includes Valter Skarsgård, Hedda Stiernstedt, and Canadian actor and movie producer Jason Priestley. I had a chance to preview the series over the past two weeks and loved it. It presents the early hockey story of Salming’s growing up in a small northern Swedish community, his move to North America, and his career with the Maple Leafs. [The trailer for the miniseries can be seen below.]

Although I’ve written several times about Salming in the six years I’ve covered the Maple Leafs for The Hockey Writers, there were many things I didn’t know about the Maple Leafs legend and learned from the miniseries. The story poignantly portrays Salming’s journey from a small-town outcast to a beloved hockey legend. 

Related: Remembering Borje Salming: “King” of Maple Leafs’ Defensemen

As much as the hockey aspect is central to the story, learning more about Salming’s wife and family and his relationships with his teammates (like Darryl Sittler) and curmudgeon owner Harold Ballard were highlights for me. In many ways, Ballard was a father figure for Salming, whose own father was killed when he was only three years old in a mining accident.

Salming and the Maple Leafs Were Made for Each Other

The miniseries demonstrates that Salming and the Maple Leafs go together like mac-and-cheese, or, to use the Swedish equivalent, köttbullar och lingonsylt (meatballs and lingonberry jam.) Just as these classics and combinations have come to be eaten so often together, such is the case with Salming and his beloved Maple Leafs.

Salming was one of the Maple Leafs’ best players – ever. He stands as an enduring symbol of strength, perseverance, and excellence in the annals of Toronto hockey history. For the Maple Leafs, Salming was more than just a player; he was a transformative figure who left an unforgettable mark on the franchise and the sport itself. Coming from a small mining town in northern Sweden, he shattered barriers and paved the way for European players to thrive in the NHL. By doing so, Salming earned a place of honor among the NHL’s elite and has taken his well-earned position in hockey’s Hall of Fame.

Borje Salming
Borje Salming, The Journey of a Legend

During his celebrated 16-year career with the Maple Leafs (and, sadly for Börje, as actor Valter Skarsgård shared with me, a single season with the Detroit Red Wings), Salming became synonymous with the Blue & White. His unparalleled skill, unwavering dedication to represent Toronto, and relentless courage earned fans respect and love. He became the first European player inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame. 

Related: Maple Leafs Loss to Penguins Secondary to Borje Salming Salute

However, Salming’s impact extended far beyond the ice. He inspired generations of players and fans alike. His legacy transcends statistics and accolades. He embodies the spirit of courage and the pursuit of greatness that defines the Maple Leafs’ storied history. In Börje – The Journey of a Legend, viewers are invited to rediscover the history of this hockey icon and the enduring legacy he left on the franchise and the game of hockey.

What Maple Leafs Fans Should Know About the Salming Mini-Series

As part of my research about the Salming mini-series, I video conferenced with actor Valter Skarsgård (who played Salming in the mini-series) and Amir Chamdin (the movie’s director, seen below with Salming on the set) from their homes in Sweden. Because this film project was over eight years in the making, before Salming’s sudden death in November 2022, both Skarsgård and Chamdin spent considerable time working closely with Salming on this project. In our conversations, both Skarsgård and Chamdin shared insights that Maple Leafs’ fans might find new and exciting about Salming and the Maple Leafs. I’ll share more about what each person had to say in upcoming posts.

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Börje —The Journey of a Legend is a story of triumph over adversity. The series digs into Salming’s early struggles growing up in a small town in Sweden, his journey to becoming a hockey star, and his challenges in the aggressive 1970s hockey era—especially against the Philadelphia Flyers, one of the most (literally) in-your-face teams in the NHL’s history. Despite encountering violent resistance and enduring hardships, Salming’s spirit and determination never diminished.

Related: Maple Leafs’ Harold Ballard: The Owner Who Perfected Greed

In addition to being a great hockey story, Salming’s story is about love and sacrifice. Central to the mini-series is the love story between Börje and Margitta, beautifully portrayed by Skarsgård and Swedish actor Hedda Stiernstedt. As Börje rises to fame in the NHL, Margitta has her own inner turmoils stemming from the pressures and expectations that come with being married to a hockey superstar. The demands of Börje’s career test their relationship, the complexities of life in the spotlight, and her husband’s physical pain as a Maple Leafs player. The physical aspect of hockey in the 1970s and 1980s is portrayed colorfully – if not sometimes brutally. In that, the miniseries is true to the time period.

The Period and Historical Accuracy of the Movie Is Captivating

Director Chamdin’s historical “period accuracy” is exceptional for those who care about such things. Given my age (between 75 and 80 years), this is a time I remember well. However, for younger Maple Leafs fans, the series portrays the period’s customs, settings, costumes, and social conditions exceedingly well. The bonus for viewing the series is how well it captures the period’s overall feel, both on and off the ice. The look and feel of the series is so memorable to me. 

Bjore Salming
Borje Salming The Journey of a Legend

Finally, Börje —The Journey of a Legend is a faithful portrayal of what Salming wanted to tell about his life with the Maple Leafs. Because the project took eight years to create, Borje worked with the writer and the director to ensure the project was true to his wishes about his legacy. Salming spent much time with Skarsgård, who portrayed him, to ensure the series captured the essence of his journey with detail and authenticity.

The young actor, now only 28 years of age, had Borje’s number 21 tattooed on his arm on the last day of shooting. As he shared with me in our conversation, the Salming project was the best thing he’s ever done. He separates his life into two parts: before Salming and after Salming. Such was the profound effect of his relationship with the man he played in the miniseries.

Where to View Borje – The Journey of a Legend

The first two episodes of Borje—The Journey of a Legend are now available in the US on the Viaplay streaming service. Two more episodes will be available on May 9 and May 16. Viaplay US is an add-on subscription via Prime Video Channels, Xfinity, and The Roku Channel, specializing in the best European and Nordic series and films. Canadians can subscribe to Viaplay Canada as an add-on service through Rogers Ignite TV or Crave.