The Hockey Writers Foundation

Many of the writers, editors and managers at The Hockey Writers make a monthly donation to THWF via a % of the income they receive from their work. A few offer a set monthly amount and The Hockey Writers Inc. ads another 25% to the total. We then distribute the total to a recognized charity. Since Sept. 2020 that charity has been the International Rescue Committee (IRC) –

Beginning July 2022 we have added some community support. Five hundred dollars a month may go to a member of the THW family with the balance going to the IRC.

Donations so far:

  • 2020: $4 529 CAD
  • 2021: $20 563 CAD
  • 2022: $22162 plus $2000 US to 4 members of our team
  • 2023 year to date: $16 276 CAD plus a $1 500 US grant to a few members of our team (and one dog).