Maple Leafs News & Rumors: Matthews, Keefe & Montgomery Job Status

Tonight, one of two Original Six teams, the Toronto Maple Leafs or the Boston Bruins, will end their Stanley Cup run for this postseason. This series has been one of intense competition. And tonight’s Game 7 promises to be no different—“just” another chapter in their longstanding rivalry.

This is what fans for both teams have been waiting for, and emotions will run high. In what has become a bit of a morning ritual for us, my often co-writer Stan Smith noted that he was already getting stressed out by the prospect—no surprise there for any true Maple Leafs fan. Every shift could carry immense significance. And, because so few goals have been scored, any shift to produce a surprise winning goal – an unfortunate turnover, an untimely penalty, a pass that ricochets off the boards funny, or a shot going wide that bounces off a player past his own goalie. 

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Fans can count on the Maple Leafs and the Bruins to battle fiercely; the outcome of this game will determine who advances to the next round and who exits the postseason.

Item 1: The Evolution of Playoff Hockey – Embracing Defensive Excellence

As the intensity of playoff hockey reaches its zenith, it’s hard not to notice the stark contrast in the style of play in these first-round games compared to the regular season. While some criticism has been directed towards what some perceive as “poorly played” games, looking closer reveals a different story. This season’s playoffs have been characterized by shutdown hockey and goaltending brilliance.

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In the Bruins and Maple Leafs’ high-stakes playoff games, their defensive efforts have elevated to new heights as the series has worn on for both teams. Mistakes are minimized, and every possession becomes a battle. The result? Low-scoring games where every goal is earned. Strategy plays a part, but sheer determination is also a huge deal. Maple Leafs players like Jake McCabe are emerging as powerhouses.

In other first-round matchups, similar storylines are redundant. On Friday night, recent Game 6 clashes between the Vancouver Canucks and the Nashville Predators and Vegas Golden Knights and the Dallas Stars took similar pathways. In both games, the final scores—1-0 and 2-0 with an empty net goal—underscore the defensive tenacity on display. Each goal resulted from relentless pressure applied by both teams, with goalies standing tall to deter any scoring chances.

Related: Bruins Facing Heavy-Duty Pressure Heading Into Game 7

Rather than viewing these games as lacking excitement, fans should celebrate the defensive excellence shown by players and teams alike. In the crucible of this kind of playoff hockey, every shift matters because the mastery of the defensive game often proves to be the difference-maker. 

The playoffs are a different game than the regular season – gritty, determined, and tactically brilliant. This kind of defensive hockey has its own beauty.

Item 2: Auston Matthews’ Game 7 Status Remains Uncertain

As Game 7 approaches, Auston Matthews’ status remains to be decided. Despite skating on Friday, Matthews’ availability for the critical matchup stays questionable. Maple Leafs head coach Sheldon Keefe‘s updates continue to state there has been progress, but no final decision is available.

Auston Matthews Toronto Maple Leafs
Auston Matthews, Toronto Maple Leafs (Amy Irvin / The Hockey Writers)

While Toronto has played solid hockey with Matthews out, winning back-to-back games to force Game 7, his potential return would significantly impact the lineup. If he were cleared to play, Matthews would reclaim his spot on the top line and the No. 1 power-play unit. He would reshape this game’s dynamics. 

Given how the team has responded without their superstar in the lineup, there must be fans who believe the Maple Leafs play better without him. Can you imagine that the coaching staff hasn’t considered making Matthews an almost healthy scratch so as not to disrupt the team’s success? That, in itself, is a radical thought.

Item 3: Job Security on the Line for Both Coaches in Game 7 

An interesting aspect of tonight’s Game 7 is that the stakes for both head coaches are enormous. Could it be that one of these coaches— Montgomery or Keefe—won’t live to coach another game for his current team? The outcome of this critical matchup could determine the future of their coaching careers.

Related: Maple Leafs’ Keefe in Precarious Position with Job Status in the Air

Montgomery and Keefe find themselves in a similar predicament. It’s likely a winner-takes-all scenario, where the victorious coach secures his job for the foreseeable future while the defeated coach faces an uncertain professional fate. We often think about the pressure on the players, but this Game 7 carries more pressure on the coaches.

A lot is on the line, and the ultimate prize is more than a win. It’s job security.

What’s Next for the Maple Leafs?

The answer is that we don’t know. 

[Note: I want to thank long-time Maple Leafs fan Stan Smith for collaborating with me on this post. Stan’s Facebook profile can be found here.]