3 Blue Jackets Thoughts Halfway Through 2024 Preseason

The Columbus Blue Jackets have completed half of their 2024 preseason. Feels like Training Camp just started, doesn’t it? What started as 55 players is now down to 36 as of Sunday morning.

The Blue Jackets have to make 13 more cuts between now and the Oct 7 deadline to have a compliant roster. They have a four-game week upcoming to help make those final determinations.

With four games played, we thought this would be a time to reflect on what we’ve seen so far. While the games themselves carry a certain weight, our focus will be on what I’m seeing throughout training camp, practices and talking with members of the team.

Gaudreau at the Forefront

Let’s start here. Don’t get it twisted now. The Blue Jackets might be playing hockey while preparing for the 2024-25 season. But hockey takes a back seat when it comes down to the heart of the matter.

The pain of missing Johnny Gaudreau in the locker room isn’t going to go anywhere, not for a long time. His jersey hangs at his stall as they said it would.

No matter where the Blue Jackets go, Johnny will be with them. Johnny would want them playing hockey. In the early going, the team is doing everything they can to honor Gaudreau whether it’s on the ice or the way they conduct themselves off the ice.

There are going to be several tests throughout the season. Good days and bad days are sure to come while trying to navigate a difficult situation.

The Blue Jackets will have to face emotional moments in different cities as rightfully, pregame ceremonies will be held to honor the legacy of Johnny and Matthew. They will have to endure this on multiple occasions only to try to play a hockey game afterwards.

Give the Blue Jackets credit so far. They’re handling business as best they can on the ice so they are ready for the season. But on the inside, there are multiple levels of pain the team is trying to work through.

Columbus Blue Jackets, Nationwide Arena
The Blue Jackets have handled their business as best they can so far in training camp. (Photo credit: Mark Scheig/The Hockey Writers)

From our perspective in the media, we are not pressing the issue on emotions. Nor should we. The sensitivity of a topic such as this requires an extra level of care. If a player wishes to speak on it, we will give them the floor. If they don’t, that’s perfectly acceptable.

To take it a step further, if a question surrounding the situation might come up, I will ask the player before the interview if they are comfortable answering it. If they say no, end of discussion.

In saying that, there will be times in which the topic of Gaudreau will be at the forefront. Opening night at Nationwide Arena against the Florida Panthers comes to mind. That will be a difficult night for many as that is usually the night to celebrate the opening of a season.

As Boone Jenner said during camp, there is no playbook for anything like this. It truly is a one day at a time, one moment at a time approach.

Johnny Gaudreau will never be forgotten. His presence will always be at the forefront for these Blue Jackets. They’re pushing forward in the way he would want them to. That’s play hockey.

Therefore, we too will do the same. That’s cover hockey. Care and respect will be at the center of what we do when it comes to Gaudreau. At the end of the day, everyone deserves that.

Different Feeling Around Blue Jackets

Looking at this from a hockey sense, I cannot help but say something feels different. I can’t quite put my finger on what exactly it is. Perhaps it’s several somethings. But there is a different feeling around these Blue Jackets now than in recent past seasons.

The first thing that sticks out is the effect of a veteran head coach. Dean Evason has come in and started to implement the way he wants to do things.

In talking to the players throughout camp, one theme has stood out. They have all expressed how much they have enjoyed the way camp is being run. It hasn’t been easy. But it has been fun and effective.

This is a stark contrast to what was expressed last season. While players would say they liked practices, the tone this season is much different. There is a genuineness to what they’re saying. Let me give you a couple of examples.

  • “It’s been really good. We’ve had some great practices going over a lot of stuff. I think the practices have been good, sharp and high pace. There’s been some compete and come teaching stuff. I think everything’s been done with purpose. Guys are focused. Guys are ready coming into this camp.” -Boone Jenner
  • “Good. Really, really good. Very impressed with the coaching staff and how they’re approaching things and how they’re going about it. I like getting the systems right away. I feel like all our guys came in good shape this year so that’s always a bonus. I feel like we’re moving the puck crisp out there. I really like the flow of it all and just excited to keep it going.” -Zach Werenski
  • “First of all, you can clearly tell what the emphasis is based on what’s happening in the first few days. I think as a player, it’s a comforting thought knowing that we wasted no time getting to those important things (special teams.)” -Sean Kuraly
  • “It’s been very good. It’s been very good. We’ve been moving our feet quickly. The practices have been high tempo for the first half hour which is good. They’ve broken it down into some system stuff for the midpoint and then a few battle drills at the end. I’ve really enjoyed it. It’s been a solid camp.” -Erik Gudbranson

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It’s the Blue Jackets’ team leaders that are saying these things. That tells you everything you need to know about how different it feels. The rest of the team is following their lead.

The past few seasons were led by first time head coaches. This camp has been led by an experienced head coach who has four straight over .600 points percentage seasons on his resume. Results might take time to realize. But the foundation is being worked on. There’s a palpable excitement within that.

Offseason Work Noticed

You saw it said above by the leadership. Players are coming to camp in great shape ready to work. Gone are the days of using camp to get into shape. The offseason is used for that now.

Elvis Merzlikins said he came to camp in great shape. Kent Johnson is noticeably stronger. Guys up and down the lineup came to camp ready to go.

The practices during camp have been at a high pace from day one. The NHL group has met the challenge of keeping it at a high pace throughout while also bringing it in recent games.

The quality of training camp coincides with the quality of the offseason. For these Blue Jackets, the work they put in during the longer offseason prepared them for what camp would be like. They’re off to a good start because of consistent hard work.

We’ll see how it translates in season. But though the halfway mark of training camp, it’s obvious how much bigger and stronger the players are. It’s been noticed by those that have had the chance to see things firsthand.