Flames: 5 Potential Play-By-Play Replacements for Rick Ball

Calgary Flames fans were dealt a serious blow this past week, as it was announced that play-by-play announcer Rick Ball will be calling games for the Chicago Blackhawks on behalf of Chicago Sports Network. Ball had become a staple of Flames hockey, having called their TV broadcasts for Sportsnet for the past 10 seasons.

Many in Calgary feel that Ball is the best play-by-play voice in the entire NHL, meaning replacing him will be a very tough task for the Sportsnet crew. That said, there are plenty of talented individuals who are ready for the opportunity should they be awarded it. Here are five that should be strongly considered.

Derek Wills

One of the most obvious and discussed choices has been Derek Wills, who has been doing play-by-play for the Flames on Sportsnet960 for the past 10 years. He is used to having big shoes to fill, as he took over the position for Sportsnet960 from Peter Maher, who called over 3,000 games for the Flames, including their Stanley Cup win in 1989.

Yegor Sharangovich Jonathan Huberdeau Andrei Kuzmenko Calgary Flames
Yegor Sharangovich, Jonathan Huberdeau, and Andrei Kuzmenko of the Calgary Flames (Jess Starr/The Hockey Writers)

Wills offers some great insight on a game-by-game basis, and also serves as a columnist for Sportsnet. Though there is a change from radio to TV, Wills has a great voice for both, and should be able to catch on quickly should he be afforded the opportunity.

Peter Loubardias

Another great option Sportsnet should be strongly considering is Peter Loubardias. He is truly a hockey encyclopedia, being able to provide old facts and tidbits that very few others, even the biggest of fans, are aware of. On calls, he can be electric when the moment calls for it, but is also able to add a calmness like few others in the business.

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Loubardias served as the colour analyst for Sportsnet960 for 10 seasons, and also did play-by-play for the Flames on TV from 2009 to 2011. He chose to leave Sportsnet for other opportunities after the 2022-23 season, but may be willing to get back into an old role in which he really excelled at.

Brad Curle

Brad Curle may not be as well known as the two listed above, but that doesn’t mean he’s any less qualified for this vacant role. He has spent nearly 20 seasons calling games for the Calgary Hitmen of the Western Hockey League, and gives electric calls which only adds to the excitement of those tuning into the radio feed.

Prior to Curle’s current role with the Hitmen, he served as the play-by-play voice of the Lethbridge Hurricanes for seven years. With well over 20 years of experience in the business, he is more than ready for an opportunity at an NHL gig, and would be well suited for that opportunity to be in Calgary given his lengthy tenure with the Hitmen.

Harnarayan Singh

Over the past few seasons, Harnarayan Singh has established himself as an excellent play-by-play voice with Hockey Night in Canada, calling several games throughout the Western Conference. He first began popping up on the radar through Hockey Night in Canada Punjabi, and became an internet sensation after an iconic call on a Nick Bonino overtime winner in 2016.

Singh is breaking barriers in the hockey world, as he became the first Sikh person to do play-by-play for an NHL game in English in a game between the Edmonton Oilers and Vancouver Canucks in 2021. He has done plenty more since, and has only gotten better and better in his craft.

Cam Moon

Like Curle, Cam Moon may not be as familiar of a name as Wills, Loubardias, and Singh, but that’s only because until recently, he wasn’t given the opportunity to do his craft in front of as big of an audience. He has spent 20 seasons working as the play-by-play voice of the Red Deer Rebels, and was given a well-earned NHL gig ahead of the 2020-21 season.

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Along with continuing to work with the Rebels, Moon serves as the Edmonton Oilers radio announcer during regional games. He is quickly rising up the ranks thanks to the new opportunity, and would serve as a great fit to replace Ball.

Plenty of Talent to Pick From

While all five of the names listed above would excel as the Flames play-by-play voice, there are many other talented individuals available as well. This is a decision that doesn’t need to be rushed, as the 2024-25 season isn’t set to begin until October. The most important thing is that the hiring brass takes their time to make the correct decision, because, as mentioned, whoever gets the position will have some big shoes to fill.

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