Knoblauch’s Path to Become Oilers’ Game-Changing Coach

The Jack Adams Award is annually bestowed upon the coach who is “adjudged to have contributed the most to his team’s success,” with the winner selected by a poll of the NHL Broadcasters Association. This prestigious recognition highlights the critical role of a head coach in steering his team to victory and overcoming adversities throughout the season. This year, the award was given to Vancouver Canucks head coach Rick Tocchet.

However, Kris Knoblauch, whose Edmonton Oilers pushed Tocchet’s team from the playoffs, finished in fifth place in the Jack Adams Award voting. Knoblauch received three first-place votes, 12 second-place votes, and 13 third-place votes. He led his team to a remarkable turnaround when he took over in mid-November after the team stumbled to a 3-9-1 start. Under his guidance, the Oilers surged to a 46-18-5 record, which included an impressive 16-game winning streak spanning December and January.

The Journey and Sacrifices Behind Knoblauch’s Success With the Oilers

Knoblauch’s transformative impact on the Oilers has been evident in their continued solid performance. On Thursday night, on the road in Dallas, they beat the Stars in double overtime of Game 1 of the Western Conference Final. Despite a history of noteworthy coaches, the Oilers haven’t seen a Jack Adams Award winner since Glen Sather in 1985-86. Recent strong finishes by coaches Dave Tippett in 2019-20 and Todd McLellan in 2016-17 further suggest how significant Knoblauch’s achievements with this team have been.

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In a recent sit-down interview with Colby Armstrong (seen in the video below), Knoblauch shared his journey to becoming an NHL coach. Despite his impressive coaching career, he was often overlooked for head coaching positions. Armstrong’s interview sheds light on his background, sacrifices, and what makes him an exceptional young coach. From leaving his family behind in Connecticut to focus on his role with the Oilers to his transformative impact on the team, Knoblauch’s story is one of dedication, hard work, a passion for the game, and an all-in attitude.

Early Years and Junior Hockey

During the interview, it was revealed that Knoblauch’s journey began in Red Deer, Alberta, where he played junior hockey. He faced significant challenges early on, playing as a late bloomer and fighting to make strides in his late teens. Despite his dedication and improvement, Knoblauch struggled to gain the attention of professional scouts. The New York Islanders drafted him, but he chose to play at the University of Alberta instead, strategically balancing his education with his passion for hockey.

Related: Kris Knoblauch Proving to Be the Right Coach for the Oilers

Knoblauch transitioned to coaching after a solid junior and college career, starting in the Western Hockey League (WHL) with the Prince Albert Raiders. He moved frequently, with stints in Tampa Bay, Philadelphia’s AHL affiliate, and Hartford. Each move meant significant sacrifices, not just for Knoblauch but also for his family.

One of Knoblauch’s most significant challenges was the toll his career took on his family life. In the interview, he candidly discussed the difficulty of leaving his family in Connecticut while pursuing his coaching career. This separation, especially when he joined the Oilers mid-season, was one of the hardest parts of his journey.

Kris Knoblauch Edmonton Oilers
Kris Knoblauch, Edmonton Oilers (Photo by Andy Devlin/NHLI via Getty Images)

Despite these challenges, Knoblauch’s dedication to his craft and his family’s support have been unwavering. His wife, in particular, has been a pillar of strength, enduring the constant relocations and the demands of an NHL coaching career. His children continue to attend school in Hartford as he coaches his team toward the Stanley Cup.

Knoblauch’s Coaching Style and Success

Knoblauch’s coaching style emphasizes offensive and defensive play. His ability to adapt and implement effective strategies has earned him respect and admiration in the hockey community. Under his guidance, the Oilers have significantly improved, particularly in special teams play. Armstrong highlighted how Knoblauch’s teams are well-prepared and disciplined, traits that stem from his meticulous approach to coaching. His educational background and experience across various leagues have equipped him with a comprehensive understanding of the game, making him a well-rounded coach.

Related: Oilers’ Kris Knoblauch Deserved Jack Adams Award Votes

Knoblauch’s teams are known for their exceptional preparation, a trait that can be traced back to his background in education. With a degree in education from the University of Alberta and five seasons of playing with the Golden Bears, Knoblauch has honed skills essential for effective teaching and coaching. His understanding of educational principles allows him to communicate strategies, create structured practice plans, and foster a learning environment where players can thrive. This educational foundation equips him to meticulously prepare his teams, ensuring they are well-versed in tactics and prepared to execute game plans precisely. [As a note, I was a professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta while Knoblauch got his degree. While we likely passed each other in the hallway, he was never in my classes there.]

Despite his impressive track record, Knoblauch was overlooked for NHL coaching jobs until the Oilers hired him. His story is one of simply doing his work well until he was finally recognized. As the team progresses, Knoblauch’s leadership is proving to be a pivotal factor in their success.

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The sacrifices Knoblauch has made, both personally and professionally, underscore his commitment to hockey. His journey from junior hockey to the NHL is a testament to his dedication and skill as a coach. Knoblauch’s influence is evident as the Oilers continue their season, and his future in the NHL looks promising.

The Bottom Line for Knoblauch and the Oilers

The bottom line is that Knoblauch’s journey to becoming the head coach of the Oilers is a story of dedication, sacrifice, and resilience. Despite being overlooked for many years, his hard work and strategic wisdom have finally been recognized. His ability to balance offensive creativity with defensive discipline and personal sacrifices makes him a standout coach in the NHL. As the Oilers aim for greater heights, Knoblauch’s leadership will undoubtedly play a crucial role in their success.

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