Blues Should Explore Trade for Brady Tkachuk

The St. Louis Blues haven’t played hockey for 39 days, forced to watch the playoffs from the sidelines. But that means that offseason speculation about their future is in full swing. And this week, in an appearance on 101 ESPN Radio, Blues’ beat reporter Jeremy Rutherford teased about a possible trade connection between the Blues and the Ottawa Senators.

Specifically, Rutherford hinted at a connection between the Blues and St. Louis native Brady Tkachuk, captain of the Senators. Tkachuk is a frequent feature in trade rumors, with everyone from the Buffalo Sabres to the New Jersey Devils linked to the 24-year-old. Could the Blues be a contender for his services? They certainly tried to trade for Brady’s older brother, Matthew Tkachuk, before the Panthers beat them to the punch. And with both Tkachuk brothers’ close friendship with Blues’ young superstar, Robert Thomas, the deal would make sense on many levels. So the Blues ought to explore the possibility, and possibly make up for what they missed out on with Matthew.

Tkachuk a Perfect Fit

The Blues need a player like Tkachuk. Though they have young forward talent already in Thomas, Jordan Kyrou, and top prospects like Jimmy Snuggerud and Dalibor Dvorský, they don’t currently have someone who provides the physicality and on-ice leadership that Tkachuk does. The youngster is reminiscent of former Blues captain David Backes, who was a leader of the team’s young core from a very early age. And Tkachuk, who is already the captain of the Senators, could well blossom into the future captain who replaces Brayden Schenn once he retires or leaves the team.

Brady Tkachuk Ottawa Senators
Brady Tkachuk, Ottawa Senators (Amy Irvin / The Hockey Writers)

In a blue-collar town that loves physical players, Tkachuk will be an instant sensation. Despite his nearly-point-per-game prowess, he leveled 293 hits during the 2023-24 season, good for third in the entire NHL. And at his age, he slots perfectly into the young core the Blues are trying to build. He could form a dynamic first line alongside his friend and former housemate, Thomas, and even though it’s a long way off, Blues fans couldn’t be blamed for hoping that that pairing might one day lure Matthew to the Gateway City when his current contract expires. But Brady stands on his own and offers the Blues a ton of value, and with a deal that extends through the 2027-28 season, he is the kind of controlled asset they covet during this rebuild.

Could Kyrou Be the Return?

Of course, as Rutherford alluded to in his interview, the Senators would expect a ton in return for their captain, mentioning Kyrou’s name specifically. Like Tkachuk, Kyrou has been in plenty of trade rumors, especially after a controversial season in St. Louis. He drew the ire of fans with some unwise words after new Toronto Maple Leafs’ head coach Craig Berube’s departure. The two were at odds for much of the last year, which led to speculation that Kyrou was a key reason for the coach’s surprising firing.

Related: What Can Maple Leafs Fans Expect From Craig Berube

Kyrou battled through the adversity, but certainly finished with a disappointing season, achieving his lowest point total in three seasons despite playing his first 82-game campaign. Some fans have insisted on scapegoating Kyrou for several seasons, and his lackluster season and clashes with Berube have that contingent baying for blood and demanding a trade. But cooler heads insist that trading him now would be a mistake — unless they do it in a trade that undeniably benefits the team. A Kyrou for Tkachuk swap could be that fabled “hockey” trade that both teams walk away from very happily. Both players demonstrate roughly equal point production, and are young players with long contracts. Kyrou’s contract extends well beyond Tkachuk’s, finishing after the 2030-31 season. But that control could offset the perceived personality upgrade St. Louis would get in return. One-for-one trades require a lot of courage from both teams, so this one might not be one that either the Blues or Senators are comfortable pulling the trigger on — but it’s certainly a compelling option both teams should consider.

Blues Already Cooking?

According to Rutherford’s interview, a recent conversation with Blues’ owner Tom Stillman made it seem like the Blues already have at least one significant iron in the fire this offseason. Of course, there is no telling whether that deal is with the Senators or even a trade at all. But it should have Blues who are longing for an interesting offseason very excited. Time will tell what the Blues have in store this summer, but most fans would be very pleased with a Tkachuk trade, and if he is on the market, St. Louis needs to make a significant effort to land him.

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