Treliving Skirts Truth on Captaincy Change Impacting Tavares Talks

John Tavares gave up his spot as the captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs to Auston Matthews this week, ushering in the next era of leadership in Toronto. It was the right move for several reasons, not the least of which is Tavares’ uncertain future with the organization. About the play the final season of his current seven-year contract, it’s not a given Tavares remains with the team.

How might his willingness to give up the ‘C’ impact contract negotiations?

Will Toronto Still Be Looking to Negotiate an Extension With Tavares?

Maple Leafs’ general manager Brad Trelving said that Tavares no longer being the captain will not impact negotiations surrounding Tavares’ expiring contract. Treliving noted, “These discussions we had with regard to the captaincy is independent of any discussions we will have, or may have, with respect to contract negotiations.” In other words, Treliving is suggesting that giving up his spot to Matthews won’t motivate or deter the Leafs from talking about a new deal in Toronto.

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And, why should it? Treliving noted, “I think John still has a lot of hockey left in him.” He added, “Lot of good hockey.” This is probably true. While Tavares isn’t necessarily worth the $11 million he’s being paid today, there is still a valuable player there, who at the right price, adds a lot to the Maple Leafs roster.

Tavares has been a near or better-than-point-per-game player since 2012. Only last season did he take a bit of a step back, scoring 65 points in 80 games. That’s still worth something and if the Leafs aren’t prepared to give the 33-year-old a deal, someone else will.

Treliving Isn’t Exactly Being Honest

One thing to consider here is how not giving up the captaincy (or at least fighting against it) might have changed the organization’s perspective. Keeping Tavares around only works if the players are happy. All indications this week point to the idea that Tavares is fully supportive of this move and has no qualms or issues letting Matthews assume the role, at least in title.

John Tavares Toronto Maple Leafs
John Tavares of the Toronto Maple Leafs after the loss against the Boston Bruins in Game Seven of the First Round of the 2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs (Photo by Steve Babineau/NHLI via Getty Images)

But, what would have happened if Tavares had caused a stink? He likely would have been on the first train out of town.

Treliving and the Maple Leafs don’t want controversy. What the team doesn’t need in a market like Toronto is fodder for the media to jump all over this story and turn it into a soap opera. Nothing suggests Tavares would have been difficult here, but not going along with this decision would have sealed his fate in Toronto. If word had leaked or it became public that Tavares wasn’t 100 percent gung-ho about this change, he would be the person who lost out. Matthews would still be captain, Tavares’ contract would still be ending, but Treliving wouldn’t be so quick to chat with Tavares’ agent.

So, in a manner of speaking, the two things aren’t completely independent of each other. The Leafs will be happy to discuss a new deal now that the change has been made and no issues have arisen from it. And, Tavares might even get a bit of a concession because he made this chance so amicable. Had Tavares hesitated and created drama out of the move, you can bet that the Leafs wouldn’t even open discussions about an extension.

The good news is that this all went down without issue. Now, all parties involved can get down to preparing for the upcoming 2024-25 season and Tavares’ camp can plant the seeds that they’d like to talk about a new deal and would be willing to take a team-friendly contract to stay.