Ilya Protas – 2024 NHL Draft Prospect Profile

Ilya Protas

2023-24 Team: Des Moines Buccaneers (USHL)
Date of Birth: July 18, 2006
Place of Birth: Vitebsk, Belarus
Heightt: 6-foot-3 Weight: 184 pounds
Shoots: Left
Position: LW
NHL Draft Eligibility: 2024 first-year eligible


NHL Central Scouting: 49th (among NA skaters)

Coming to play North American junior hockey this season from Belarus, Ilya Protas impressed numerous people around the hockey world with his play. For the Des Moines Buccaneers, the rookie left-winger was one of their most productive players, ranking as the team’s second-best point scorer and finishing third in the United States Hockey League (USHL) among rookies with 51 points.

Ilya Protas Des Moines Buccaneers
Ilya Protas, Des Moines Buccaneers (Photo Credit: USHL)

While his season did not start off the greatest and he played on a struggling Buccaneers team, Protas became a stronger presence on the ice and improved his game all-around throughout the season and became more accustomed to the North American style of play. This has further increased his value heading into the draft in a few weeks. What stands out the most in the Belarusian-born winger’s game is his offensive game which is driven off of his size. He can use his big frame (6-foot-3) to keep the puck away from defenders in the offensive zone, which helps him become a threat in the zone with the puck.

Related: THW’s 2024 NHL Draft Guide

When he does have the puck on his stick, Protas has shown that he is more than capable of being an offensive weapon. He maintains possession thanks to his size and patience with the puck. This has also helped him become more of a playmaking threat, thanks to his strong passing abilities. His good puck handling in the offensive zone, particularly in tight quarters, also helps him when he is given chances and opportunities at the front of the net.

One of the biggest knocks on his game that is still a work in progress is his skating ability. He seems to be pretty heavy and clunky at times when trying to move around the ice. This has limited his progression as a sound two-way player, especially in his own end of the ice. In the defensive zone, Protas struggles to get himself moving in the zone and his shiftiness lacks and limits him from making plays he should be able to make. Offensively, while playing a sound and smooth game, adding a bit more to his skillset to stick out as an offensive force is something he could look to work on heading into his second season with Des Moines.

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Ilya Protas – NHL Draft Projection

Having a strong rookie season in the USHL and showing an ability to continue to improve and adapt his game to the North American style of play has helped Protas’ potential for the 2024 Draft. But ultimately, he is likely to be a fourth-round pick in Las Vegas when it is all said and done.


“Protas is a big forward who uses his size effectively to protect the puck and create space for himself and his teammates. He also shows soft hands with a good ability to make plays in tight spaces, which has helped him translate his game to North America seamlessly. His most prominent flaw is his skating.” – David Phillips, FCHockey

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“Protas knows his roles in the slot/corners and fills them to his fullest. He has great fundamentals and knows how to make quick plays in tight areas. Everyone wants flashy players, but Protas is a good example of a flawed player who still brings a strong and projectable impact to every shift.” – Gabriel Foley, Recruit Scouting


  • Protas has developed a strong playmaking style of play thanks to his patience with the puck and ability to shield it from defenders.
  • He uses his size to his advantage in the offensive zone and that helps become more of an offensive threat with the puck.
  • His game has progressively improved, giving hope that he can continue to do so as he gains more experience playing North American hockey.

Under Construction- Improvements to Make

  • His skating ability has limited him at times and is seen as clunky and a bit unorthodox. He will need to work on this to become more of an all-around player.
  • His defensive play could use some work but is tied into his skating ability, as it has set him behind in the defensive zone at times as he can’t get himself moving and into the proper position.
  • Adding a bit more to his offensive game to become more of a full-time threat in the offensive zone could help take his game to another level.

NHL Potential

The ceiling for Protas hinges on his ability to continue to improve on his all-around game and his skating in particular. If he can do this while continuing to show strong playmaking skills, there is a strong chance he could become a middle-six forward. But if he is unable to do so, he is likely to be a bottom-six player that provides some secondary offense to an NHL lineup.

Risk-Reward Analysis

Risk: 2/5 Reward: 3.5/5

Fantasy Hockey Potential

Offense: 6/10 Defense: 4/10


Protas’ strong rookie season helped earn him USHL All-Rookie Team honors for the 2023-24 season.

Ilya Protas Stats


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