In Defense Of Sidney Crosby

Do I love Sidney Crosby? Not by a long shot. I generally can be seen rooting against him at any given opportunity. Go Red Wings. Go Flyers. Go Team USA. Go Caps. Go whatever. But in the back of my mind I will always be thankful for being able to watch a player of this magnitude grow up and grow into his own skin, turning into one of the best hockey players to have ever lived right before our very eyes.

World Junior Championships 2011 Players To Watch – Part 3: Best of the Rest – Is Sven Bartchi the Next El Nino?

Christopher Ralph is THW’s prospect and draft analyst Hockey fans look forward to Christmas; Die hard hockey fans look more forward to Boxing Day and the start of the World…

World Junior Championships 2011 Players To Watch – Part 1: Jaden Schwartz, Sean Couturier, Brett Connolly & Ryan Ellis to lead the way for Team Canada

Christopher Ralph is THW’s prospect and draft analyst   Hockey fans look forward to Christmas; Die hard hockey fans look more forward to Boxing Day and the start of the…